Monday, October 3, 2011

Oct. 3 No getting use to loss

Just finished Ann Patchett's newest book: "A Sense of Wonder".

This line caught my eye and my heart:

"There was no clear point of loss. It just happened over and over again in a thousand small ways and the only truth there was to learn was that there was no getting over it."

This is my truth and, from what I gather talking to other wives and former wives of transgendered men, it is a common truth. Our sense of loss is circular. Always returning to a place of pain we thought we left behind long ago. Is it because "he" is still here? But yet, not here. He has been replaced by she and she is not anyone I know.

Like a death of a spouse but, for me at least, a constant nagging sense of disbelief. "Am I dreaming?"